Sustainability at DMG the personal way: Zakia Musawi

Our aim with this occasional series is to share sustainability ideas using a very personal approach. We will be featuring a variety of DMG employees and their individual tips for making everyday life more sustainable. Today: Zakia Musawi, DMG Field Service employee.

Zakia has a very determined approach to sustainability and incorporates this into virtually all areas of her life. She was, for example, immediately on board when given the opportunity to switch to an electric car for her field service work. But if it’s at all possible, she is happy to leave her car at home and visit customers in Hamburg on foot or by e-scooter instead.

3 sustainability tips from Zakia Musawi

Be smart about buying clothes
Zakia only buys clothes that she can match with at least three other items in her wardrobe. Plus, she never orders several sizes. Instead, she compares her body measurements with the manufacturer’s size guide and orders the right size straight away.

Save on packaging
Zakia buys products in the largest possible quantities to save on packaging, e.g. shampoo in 1-litre bottles. She also avoids single-use packaging or ‘to go’ coffee cups, taking her own cups and containers instead as well as her own bags for carrying her shopping.

Reduce the orders you place
If she does need to order online, Zakia makes sure to group the things she buys to avoid multiple small deliveries.